Blog Content

1)why do people blog?

People blog for various reasons. It includes:

  • Sharing expertise; To share their knowledge and skills with others. It is a platform to showcase their expertise and provide valuable information to others.
  • Creative outlet; Blogging allows people to express their creativity. They can write about their passion, interest and hobbies.
  • Making an impact; Blogs have the power to inspire and influence others. People blog to make a positive impact by sharing stories, raising awareness, advocating for causes they care.
  • Documenting life; some people blog as a way to document their personal journey, experiences and milestones, creating a digital archive of memories
2)Who are the active bloggers in the country?
  • Denkars getaway
  • Passu Diary
  • Yeega gateaway
  • Farmer sangay

3)What are their intentions for blogging?

  • Earning income 
  • Sharing their expertise 
  • Creating awareness and advocating
  • Earning name and fame
